1863: General Joseph Hooker replaces General Ambrose Burnside as head of the Union Army; women of easy virtue quickly replace growing wacky facial hair as soldiers' favorite hobby.
1890: Intrepid "Girl Reporter" Nellie Bly circles the globe in 72 days, beating Phileas Fogg's around the world in 80 days-record; when she's told that Fogg is a fictional character and his whole trip was made up, the look on her face is just priceless.
1989: New York Yankees' owner George Steinbrenner meets with Pope John Paul II; the pontiff agrees to throw out the first pitch at the next game, but turns down the offer to replace Billy Martin as manager.
1997: Renowned psychic Jeanne Dixon dies at the age of 79, while in the middle of dictating her newspaper column; her last words are, "Someone very close to me will... ack!" [thud]