Mislabeled Da Vinci Invention Now Correctly Identified as Renaissance Rotisserie
Long thought to be the sketch for some sort of threading device for weaving, in light of recent revelations about Da Vinci's culinary experiments, this drawing is now believed to be Leonardo's design for a six bird at a time-rotisserie, allowing him to slow-roast up to half-a-dozen plucked and seasoned chickens at one time, all while rotating them occasionally to ensure even cooking but at a safe distance from the flames (see the lever at right). Although the rods may seem too close together to accommodate six birds, remember that Renaissance chickens were much smaller than modern poultry, closer to the size of a cornish game hen.
This moment in Da Vinci History is brought to you by my latest book, The Da Vinci Cold, or Chicken Soup for the Renaissance Man's Soul, on sale now at Amazon.com and maybe by now at Barnes & Noble if they ever get their act together and put in up on their damned site.