© Daniel Abraham
Dear Salmon,
I hear that some of you are raised on farms. I live on a farm, too. It's mostly okay but I don't like getting up early to feed the chickens. I hate chickens. Do you have chickens on your farm?
--Spencer, Age 6 & 3/8, Ames, Iowa
Dear Salmon,
Would you rather get eaten by a person or by a bear? I won't even ask about sharks because nobody wants to get eaten by sharks.
--Jason, Age 7, Roscoe, New York
Dear Salman,
I saw a bunch of you at the fish ladder in Seattle on vacation. Your struggle to swim upstream and fulfill your destiny was inspirational and I'll remember it whenever I have to do something difficult. Also, whichever one of you I had for dinner that night was delicious. Thanks.
--Dolores, Age 6, Rototiller, New Jersey
Dear Salmon,
My uncle Gary has a singing Billy Bass in his basement rec-room. I asked him if they had singing salmon and he laughed and said, "Salmon can't carry a tune in a chum bucket," then he passed out on the couch. I don't want to believe him but Mom says he drinks like a fish, so I guess he knows best. Are you really tone-deaf or do you sometimes harmonize to whale songs?
--Ashley, Age 7, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
Dear Salmon,
Do you ever get tired of always being wet? I like swimming a lot but as soon as I'm done I want to dry off. Is that why some of you are smoked?
--Your pal, Joey, age 7, Evanston, Illinois
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