NORKOPPING, SWEDEN (AFA Newswire) Dismayed by humanity's lack of action in the face of impending world-wide ecological cataclysm, Swedish envirobiologist and leading climate change scientist Dr. Björn Jarrell has constructed an escape-pod spacecraft for his infant son, Karl.
"It's the only way," says Jarrell, "If mankind won't even try to save itself, I'm going to do what I can for my own family."
Aimed at Wolf 1061c, one of three recently discovered earthlike planets orbiting a red dwarf star in the constellation Ophiuchus, the rocket will take several years to arrive at its destination. The boy will be in a state of suspended animation throughout the long journey.
Jarrell ruefully acknowledges he'd intended to build a ship large enough to also hold his wife and himself but there just isn't time and now this small-scale model meant for testing will have to do.
Although unsure of what Karl will find on his new world, Jarrell insists, "I like the boy's chances in outer space more than if he stays here," adding, "I just hope they never find out what a planet full of dipshits he came from."