Over the next 100 days, as we slog through the first leg of Donald Trump's term in office, I'll be keeping a sharp eye out for Trump or anyone in his administration doing any of the things I imagined in my book Talk to the Hair: A Look Back at the First 100 Days of the Trump Presidency, written a year ago, back in that rosy time when the idea of his actually getting elected was a wacky, farfetched notion. Hy-larious, believe you me...
Whenever one of my "predictions" pops up in reality, I'll note it and mark which of the first 100 Days I'd pegged it to.
Heck, even in the weeks between his election and his inauguration, three of my "forecasts" came (or came close to coming) true: The Donald proposed replacing Air Force One with Trump Air (Day 9 in my book); Supplemented his Secret Service detail with "private security" (Day 29 in my imagined timeline); and some people in Hawaii, however facetiously, have suggested that their state secede from the U.S. and appoint Barack Obama President for Life (Day 67, although I had them offering him the title of "Big Kahuna for Life").
What'll happen next? Wouldn't you like to know. Buy my book and you can play along at home, at work or from your favorite panic room or fallout shelter! Fun for the whole family, I tells ya.
Available on
Amazon.com (or Barnes & Noble online, if you swing that way).
Was I right? Was I wrong? Watch this space.