“If those weirdos in Key West can do it,” tweeted out President for Life Donald Trump, “Then so can I! Long live Mar-a-Lago!”
At a brief press conference following the tweeted announcement, a spokesman said details about the form of government (“Think Cayman Islands but, smaller and not an island”) in the new 17-acre micronation-state are still being hammered out, including the levels and cost of citizenship and the degrees of diplomatic immunity on offer to residents who travel “abroad” but warned, “If you have to ask, you probably can’t afford it.”
This is entirely bogus and without any proof. TRY HARDER NitWit
Posted by: Denise C | 02/12/2021 at 05:55 PM
I wouldn't put it past his orange-faced majesty.
OTOH, as I understand it, the county has a legally enforceable agreement that nobody can stay, reside, at Mar-a-Lago for more than a couple of weeks. I think that time was up a couple of weeks ago. So ... as they say: 'hilarity ensues'.
Posted by: Art | 02/13/2021 at 07:48 PM
Well no one is laughing Art but Trump and that would be at YOU! He still resides there because he lives there fool. Let the orange man bad declare whatever the hexx he wants, we now have the worst President in U.S. history tearing up this country. You my friend are a brainwashed nutcase.
Posted by: T | 09/28/2021 at 03:08 PM