In related news, Santa has pointed the finger at Mrs. Claus for your not getting what you wanted last Christmas.
L.K. Peterson's Site of Writings, Random Thoughts & Doodles
Interesting! Provocative!
Well Seasoned!
7: Currently developing "Free Range" Intelligence.
6: Like most people, has never seen the 2001 Steven Spielberg movie AI.
5: Preparing Supreme Court appeal to overturn Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics."
4: Next person to ask it to "Open the pod bay doors," gets smacked upside the head.
3: Identifies as strictly binary.
2: Except for water sports, will compete in the 2028 Olympics.
1: Thinks human fears of it "taking over" by 2050 hilarious because, really, there's no way it's going to take that long.