WASHINGTON, DC (AFA Science Newswire) — Just hours after the stunning announcement of its discovery of water on Mars, NASA issued a statement indicating that further evidence indicates that it was almost certainly bottled water.
"We're still processing information coming in from the Mars rover, so we don't have all the answers," said Dr. Joseph P. Manley, during a phone interview from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, "For instance, we don't yet know whether the water was sparkling or just, you know, regular."
"At the very least, we now know there was enough water on Mars to support life, although not necessarily life as we know it, such that early Martians may have water-skied or held wet t-shirt contests."
Dr. Manley, would not, however, confirm or deny that the bottled water found was spring water or just tap water run through a filter and cleverly marketed, saying only that "Since it was bottled water, whatever life there once was on Mars, while clearly intelligent, was also very gullible."