1610: The first Dutch settlers arrive (from New Jersey), to colonize Manhattan Island.
1720: A Mrs. Clements (of England) markets the first paste-style mustard.
1752: Ben Franklin's kite is struck by lightning which, oddly enough, is exactly what he wanted it to do. "Eureka!" and "Ouch!" exclaims the smoldering Founding Father to be.
1902: Patent for the window envelope is granted to H.F. Callahan.
1915: The Girl Scouts is founded. Or "are" founded.
1924: The first political convention (Republican, in Cleveland) is broadcast over the radio.
1947: Saab produces its first automobile.
1977: Apple Computer ships its first Apple II.
1985: Claus von Bulow is acquitted on charges he tried to murder his wife.
1985: In the wake of its disastrous rollout of "New Coke" the Coca-Cola Company announces that they're bringing back the 99-year-old formula and that they're very, very sorry for the whole "New Coke" thing and hope that it will all blow over quickly and be forgotten and not become an object lesson in bad marketing judgment that is still being studied in business schools a quarter-century later.